
Interenergo LLC is actively engaged in social work, we create
conditions for personal growth and implement modern methods
and technologies to reduce environmental impact.
Our approach to how we work and interact with stakeholders
is determined by our aspiration for modern and durable solutions,
professionalism, high ethical standards and genuine care
for the environment.
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Strategic priorities
for sustainable development
Minimising environmental impact
We implement cutting-edge technologies to reduce industrial pollution, conduct thorough environmental assessment of projects and gradually introduce useful eco-friendly habits to everyday activities.
People-first mentality and equal opportunities
Professional and social personal development, corporate goals aligning with the personal ones, comfortable work environment and flexible approaches.
Transparency, ethics and a systemic approach
A strategic approach to risk management, a multi-factor analysis of the environment and specific cases, a culture of openness and direct dialogue are our solid foundation for continuous growth and discovery of new market opportunities.
and ecology

Interenergo LLC conducts internal environmental assessment of all projects and initiatives, what helps determine the types and extent of potential negative environmental impact, evaluate the consequences and develop strategies to manage them, as well as specify the format and scale of environmental protection measures.

In our approach to work we are guided by time-tested practices that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, resolving climate-related issues and reducing the impact on the biosphere.

We use modern technologies to decrease industrial pollution, including greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.
We adhere to international standards for project management and environmental risk management.
We implement the principle of small steps and minimise environmental impact in all territories where the company operates as well as in our everyday activities.
Social and personnel

Interenergo LLC develops a corporate culture based on the principles of equality and respect for human rights, helps employees unlock their professional potential and creates comfortable conditions for work and leisure.

Our corporate values are responsibility, engagement, mutual respect and professionalism. These values serve as a solid foundation for further professional training, gradual career advancement, and self-fulfilment.

We have introduced easy-to-use and transparent rules for assessing fulfilment of KPIs.
There is a system for monitoring the corporate climate and feedback, as well as a regular dialogue between top managers and employees working at different levels, which helps to determine areas for improvement and develop internal entrepreneurship.
Social projects

At Interenergo LLC we have created conditions for developing applicable professional skills as well as for strengthening our moral and ethical compass.

We learn from each other, we create together, and we know how to share. Charitable work is an important aspect of the team’s social development: it gives each employee an opportunity to provide care and support to those who need them the most.

The Good Deeds Crew

The Good Deeds Crew is a corporate charity project – and anyone is welcome to join its activities.

In 2023, most of our efforts were dedicated to ‘My Family Centre’, a state social rehabilitation centre for minors located in Rzhev, Tver Region. Besides providing financial assistance to purchase books, appliances, and art therapy and sports equipment, we socialised with the residents and organised workshops for children.

Moreover, the Good Deeds Crew helped ‘Biryulevo’, an animal shelter: our team procured pet food and medicine, and spent quality time with those gentle beasts that had not found their human yet.

This year we will continue to help make the world a better place, as much as we can, thus developing the corporate spirit and an active social stance of our employees.

At Interenergo, we focus on people, common values and mutual support.